Introductory speech by Misko Stanisic at the international panel debate on practical implementation of the non-legally binding IHRA working definition of Antigypsyism / Anti-Roma Racism - lessons learned, best practices, steps forward.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2021-06-01 11:40:272021-06-01 11:58:40Practical implementation of the working definition of AntigypsyismPhoto by Windows on Unsplash
Тема радионице су активна улога младих у креирању мигрантских политика. Предлоге за промене у мигрантским политикама ће изнети: Симонида Вукадиновић, Ивана Мацак, Софија Савић и Александар Радин.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2021-05-18 13:57:192021-07-02 11:24:42TAS Migration Labs Workshop 5 – Synthesis – Young People as Active Creators of the Policies Related to MigrationsTerraforming
By the end of the year the City of Belgrade will declare the Autokomanda area as public property, and the Memorial Center Topovske Šupe will be built there. The statement from the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Mr. Goran Vesić, published on 5th of May 2021 on the official website of the Belgrade City Authorities, has raised several doubts.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2021-05-05 17:52:062021-05-28 15:06:38Roma victims of Topovske šupe must not be forgotten
On 27th of April 2021 Terraforming and Archives of Vojvodina held an international conference which focused on the role local archives play in identifying and safeguarding the Holocaust records.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2021-04-29 19:41:132021-05-07 14:41:54Conference „Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character“Terraforming
An international conference "Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character" is taking place on 27th April 2021. It will explore the role of archivists in identifying and safeguarding the Holocaust record and local microhistories.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2021-04-04 14:44:382021-05-03 18:37:50Conference: Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character
The workshop themes are fake news in medias about migrants and migration issues, s well as the challenges that journalists encounter when reporting about them. The speakers at the workshop are: Aleksandra Nikšić, Chiara Wieben and Milan Kuzmanović.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2021-02-18 14:26:282021-02-19 13:51:55TAS Lab 4 – Antithesis II – Fake news about migrants and migration issues
In the Cultural Center of Novi Sad, on January 26th, an online international conference “The Voice of Woman in the Frozen Silence” was held. The Yad Vashem’s exhibition “Spots of Light -- To Be a Woman in The Holocaust” and Serbian adaptation of IHRA’S "Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust" were presented at the conference.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2021-01-28 12:45:432021-02-01 14:34:34Conference “The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence”
The event "The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence" will take place online at 2.00 pm on January 26. Some of the program highlights are: presentation of the exhibition "The Spots of Light - To be a Woman in the Holocaust", the Serbian adaptation of the IHRA's Recommendation for Teaching and Learning about Holocaust, and presentations about gender perspectives in memorialization of the Holocaust by international experts and diplomates.žene-u-ledenoj-tišini-Insta-1.png10801080Miško Stanišićško Stanišić2021-01-19 13:58:502021-01-25 09:39:33The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence
Webinar “Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory“ was held on December 8. 2020.
Participants were from The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies (USA), Sered Holocaust Museum in Slovakia and the Archive of Vojvodina.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2020-12-29 13:23:362020-12-30 13:33:30Webinar “Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory“
“Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory” is the third webinar in the "Holocaust, European Values and Local History" series and program for archivists, librarians, museum curators, historians, researchers, educators, and others interested to learn more about the new role of archives in education about the Holocaust and in shaping of the culture of remembrance.ško Stanišićško Stanišić2020-12-03 09:48:442021-07-02 12:21:33Webinar 3: Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory
Practical implementation of the working definition of Antigypsyism
TAS Migration Labs Workshop 5 – Synthesis – Young People as Active Creators of the Policies Related to Migrations
Roma victims of Topovske šupe must not be forgotten
Conference „Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character“
Conference: Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character
TAS Lab 4 – Antithesis II – Fake news about migrants and migration issues
Conference “The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence”
The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence
Webinar “Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory“
Webinar 3: Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory