Terraforming accredited courses

Terraforming offers three free accredited courses on antisemitism and Holocaust education.
Предавање Милана Кољанина

Teacher Seminar: Teaching about the Holocaust and Human Rights 2022

The TOLI Institute from New York and Terraforming organizes an annual seminar on Holocaust education for teachers from the Republic of Serbia in Novi Sad, 22-26. August.
Hannah logo

Hannah national conference

Within our Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022 program, Terraforming is hosting a national conference in the frames of the HANNAH project. The conference is built-in with various public talks and other activities.

Remembering Hilda Dajč Award Ceremony 2022.

In the University Library "Svetozar Marković" in Belgrade, 8. May 2022. for the first time, the Remembering Hilda Dajč Award Ceremony was held.
Remembering Hilda Dajč

The Remembering Hilda Dajč Award

The Remembering Hilda Dajč award will be presented for the first time on May 8, 2022, at the University Library "Svetozar Markovic" in Belgrade.

Webinar: “Authentic Sites, Holocaust Distortion, and Contemporary Antisemitism”

Dr. Efraim Zuroff is a keynote speaker at the webinar "Authentic Sites, Holocaust Distortion, and Contemporary Antisemitism" on 13. April 2022 via the zoom platform.
80 Years LaterTerraforming

80 Years Later – The Future of Remembrance

To mark the 80th anniversary of the Novi Sad Raid, and to contribute to the commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, The Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, The Historical Archives of the City of Novi Sad, and Terraforming are organizing an event 25. and 26 January Experts from Greece, Hungary, Germany, Poland and the United States will speak as part of the program.
Remember ReAct podcast

Podcast – Malmö forum 2021

A series of four podcasts in which we discuss various topics related to the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism, which is held in Sweden on October 13, with a number of outstanding guests.

Symposium “Microhistories of the Holocaust and Archival Pedagogy”

У Архиву Војводине одржан је међународни стручни симпозијум "Микроисторије Холокауста и архивска педагогија" који заједнички организују Тераформинг и Архив Војводине.
The seminar for teachers

Teaching about the Holocaust: “Learning from the past – acting for the future”

The seminar for teachers "Teaching about the Holocaust and human rights: Learning from the past - acting for the future" was held 22-26. august at the Sheraton Hotel in Novi Sad.