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Exhibition “Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia”

  • Some words about the Holocaust in Serbia

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Exhibition about the suffering of Jews in occupied Serbia

The exhibition “Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia” is developed with the aim of briefly pointing out through a series of 18 points, some of the most important elements and events related to the history of the Holocaust in occupied Serbia, as well as the culture of remembrance in Serbia today. Along with short informative texts and quotations, the presented material also includes original graphic elements, a map of Serbia after the occupation and division of its territories, infographics, a chronological overview of the history of the camp at Sajmište, historical photographs and documents, etc.

The author of the exhibition is Miško Stanišić, Terraforming;
with support of the expert team:
Milan Koljanin, PhD, Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade;
Petar Đurđev, Historical Archive of City of Novi Sad;
Aleksandar Todosijević, History teacher, Belgrade;
Nevena Bajalica, Anne Frank House, Amsterdam;

The exhibition “Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia” can be used as a solo exhibition, or with Yad Vashem’s exhibition “The Shoah: How was it Humanly Possible?” as a supplement dedicated to the suffering of Jews in Serbia during the Holocaust.

The exhibition about the Holocaust in Serbia contributes to better understanding general elements and processes characteristic of the suffering of Jews throughout Europe relative to the model and processes that took place in the same or similar ways in occupied Serbia. On the other hand, the exhibition points to the historical experiences characteristic of the suffering of Jews in our region, contributing to a better understanding of the specifics of the Holocaust in occupied Serbia in the broader context of the European Holocaust.

The exhibition is available in Serbian and in English.

The material can be printed or displayed digitally (for example, on a screen or projected on canvas or a wall).

Overview of all Exhibition Panels.

Изложба Неке речи о Холокаусту у Србији

The exhibition “Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia” by Terraforming
(Panels 70×100 cm)


Download the exhibiting materials and organize the exhibition

If you are interested in organizing the exhibition in your institution, you can download it (lower) on this page. After that, panels need to be printed and exhibited in an adequate way.

You will get 1 (PDF) document “Holocaust in Serbia 100×70 cm” in the Serbian language in which each page presents one of the exhibition panels in a format suitable for printing (high resolution – best 70×100 cm but can be smaller or larger format).

The last, sixth page (panel), can be used as a poster for the exhibition announcement, that is, to be placed at the entrance, or in some way separate from the other panels. Suggestion: Since this panel lists all 18 presented “words” (important for a better understanding of the Holocaust in Serbia), this sixth panel can be used later for subsequent reminders of the content of the exhibition and discussion with students;

There is also a version of the exhibition in English that is suitable to use with the version in Serbian, or independently, in the case of international events, if you have guests from other countries, or e.g. if you or your institution are visiting abroad in some context. You can download the English version of this page.

Print, Format and Exhibition Setting

If you want to print a smaller or larger format than recommended (100×70 cm), it is best to consult a professional at a local printing company. If you print in a smaller format it is important to pay attention to the readability of the texts, even the ones under the photographs. Also, if the budget allows, there are a number of printing options on harder substrates. Feel free to be creative and adapt the exhibition to the space, budget and purpose in the way that suits you best–while respecting the terms of use.

Some Advice

  • Choose adequate term for the exhibition
    It is a good practice to organize the exhibition as part of the commemoration of the Day of Remembrance, especially related to local history. You can also arrange an appropriate appointment in coordination with local schools, a museum or other partners.
  • Offer additional content
    Prepare yourself so you can answer to visitor’s possible questions. Along with the exhibition, you can organize some lectures, book promotions, conversations with survivors and other witnesses of that time or other guests.

Contact us

We are ready to help you with practical advice, connect you with relevant experts and institutions or to organize appropriate lectures or workshops together in accompaniment to the exhibition. If you have any questions or dilemmas feel free to contact us!


The exhibition “Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia” as part of the commemoration of the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust on January 27, 2019 at the Archives of Vojvodina.

Изложба Нови Сад

The exhibition “Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia” at the Historical Archives of the City of Novi Sad on February 22, 2018.

Изложба у Бања Луци

The exhibition “Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia” at the National and University Library of Republika Srpska in Banja Luka on April 3, 2019.


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Terms of use

  1. You can only make one (1) copy of the exhibition;
  2. The exhibition can be used exclusively in its entirety –all 6 panels are an integral part of the exhibition and must be exhibited / displayed in the order as provided as shown in the downloaded PDF document;
  3. Digital files (PDF) are intended exclusively for the preparation of printing and printing of the exhibition. Parts of their contents cannot be used for other purposes (eg for making and printing posters, catalogs, flyers, etc.)
  4. Use of the exhibiton is free.
  5. The only thing we ask is that when you download material from the Internet, it is necessarily to give us contact information about you and the institution in which you organize the exhibition. We collect this data exclusively for statistical purposes and treat it discreetly.
  6. Please also send us some photos e.g. from your exbition.
  7. You can use the exhibition as a supplement to Yad Vashem’s exhibition “How was it Humanly Possible?”, or separately as a solo exhibition. If you use it with Yad Vashem’s exhibition “How was it Humanly Possible?”, the exhibition “Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia” should be set below, after the last panel in Yad Vashem’s exhibition, so it is quite clear that these are two parts.

Let’s keep in touch

Please let us know when you are planning the exhibition, and we would be very grateful if you could send us a few photos from the exhibition! If you have any questions, comments or ideas for possible cooperation, feel free to contact us.