MemAct!’s aim is to head for a cross-European perspective in Holocaust education

MemAct! evaluates, develops and implements best practices participatory methods to learn about the Holocaust.

MemAct! brings together educators, researchers and activists from different fields of Holocaust learning, civic education and community work against racism and anti-Semitism.

MemAct! evaluates, develops and implements best practices participatory methods to learn about the Holocaust. They aim to enable communities to connect the past with current societal issues e.g. new anti-Semitism, anti-migrant Racism and other forms of exclusion. Recent disturbing events such as the Halle synagogue shooting remind us on the immediate need of a turn towards a civic education approach in Holocaust education.

Duration: 02. November 2020. – 01. May 2022.

Terraforming in the MemAct! project

Program 1:
Cooperation of future teachers from Serbia and Austria

University of Education Upper Austria, Faculty of Pedagogy from Sombor and Terraforming will develop a Holocaust lesson model (prototype) of how to address the shared but divided history of Austria and the Balkan region. Together with young apprentices and students from Austria and Serbia work on the model and test it with students of the University of Education Upper Austria.

Program 2:
Places of Remembrance Hartheim and “Staro Sajmište”

Terraforming, Hartheim & NORDICO will explore how visits of memorial sites, authentic historic sites and their contemporary urban/rural surroundings can be connected. Project will include young people in developing methods to foster a deeper understanding of the impact of local histories of the Holocaust in todays’ neighborhoods. The concentration camp “Judenlager Semlin” at Sajmište and the town of Belgrade will serve as a testing ground.