UP2US: 2024-2026

The project will be implemented in Serbia, Croatia and Romania from 2024 to 2026. Year.

The project includes research, the development of recommendations for decision-makers, three international conferences, an exhibition, a series of public talks, a series of podcasts and a publication.

UP2US aims to develop and test methodologies for specific target groups to map understandings of contemporary antisemitism and capacities to identify it. In addition, the project will develop and promote evidence-based practical guidelines, and offer strategic recommendations for national and regional policy decision-makers on dealing with antisemitism in line with the EU Strategy to Combat Antisemitism and Promote Jewish Communities. The mapping will be conducted among selected social groups and professionals who have a significant impact and significance in shaping public understanding, attitudes, opinions and awareness about antisemitism, as well as on measures, policies and activities to counter antisemitism.
Media professionals (journalists)
2. The University
3. Secondary schools
4. Police
5. City authorities
6. Cultural Producers
7. Social Media Content
Creators 8. Local Jewish communities Partners in the project will use well-established international research practices on antisemitism to develop specific mapping models, taking into account local social, cultural and historical specificities. The results of the mapping will be discussed at the international conference “UP2US – Dealing with Contemporary Antisemitism”. A synthesis of conclusions and mapping analysis will be presented in the publication “UP2US – Novi Sad – Rijeka – Timisoara: Practical Guidelines and Strategic Recommendations for Decision Makers on Countering Antisemitism”. The guidelines will be promoted through a series of public events and manifestations: exhibitions and debates in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Timisoara, Zagreb and Rijeka. The short-term objective of the project is to provide an overview of the situation, assess the need and propose further steps in preventing and countering antisemitism in a specific local, national and regional context. This unique insight into regional challenges will contribute to a better understanding of the links between local, regional and contemporary antisemitism at the European level. The long-term goal of the project is to raise awareness of antisemitism as a threat to democracy that affects us all. In this way, the UP2US project aims to initiate a dialogue on national strategies to combat antisemitism and support Jewish communities. The project is supported by the Alfred Landeker Foundation through a prestigious academic research grant.