
Never Again is NowTerraforming

Never Again is Now

On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Terraforming, the Jewish Youth Club Belgrade, and the Jewish Cultural Center Oneg Shabbat are organizing the program "Nikad Više je Danas" (Never Again is Now).
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

TAS Migration Labs Workshop 5 – Synthesis – Young People as Active Creators of the Policies Related to Migrations

Тема радионице су активна улога младих у креирању мигрантских политика. Предлоге за промене у мигрантским политикама ће изнети: Симонида Вукадиновић, Ивана Мацак, Софија Савић и Александар Радин.
Fake news

TAS Lab 4 – Antithesis II – Fake news about migrants and migration issues

The workshop themes are fake news in medias about migrants and migration issues, s well as the challenges that journalists encounter when reporting about them. The speakers at the workshop are: Aleksandra Nikšić, Chiara Wieben and Milan Kuzmanović.