

Facts not Fiction - poziv arhivistima

Stručni trening za arhiviste

Hag, Holandija

15-17 juli 2024.

U okviru međunarodnog projekta „Facts not Fiction“, partneri Arolsen arhiv iz Nemačke, EuroClio iz Holandije, i Interkulturalni institut Temišvar iz Rumunije, Terraforming iz Srbije, organizuju stručni trening za arhiviste, istoričare i druge radnike u arhivima i srodnim institucijama koje zanima arhivska pedagogija i edukativni rad sa mladima na građi iz Drugog svetskog rata. Dvodnevni trening će se održati 15-17 jula 2024. Svi troškovi su pokriveni. Na treningu će učestvovati arhivisti iz Nemačke, Holandije, Rumunije i Srbije.

Pozivamo vas da se prijavite na konkurs.
Potrebno je da pošaljete CV i motivaciono pismo.
Rok za prijave 3. juni!

Svi koji su zainteresovani za povezivanje arhivskog i edukativnog rada na memorijalizaciji Holokausta, o nacističkim progonima, zločinima različitih fašističkih režima i kolaboracionista, stradanjima Roma i drugih različitih grupa, podstiču se da podnesu prijavu, bez obzira na to koliko predznanja ili iskustva imaju. Potrebno je znanje engleskog jezika.

Archivist Expert Training: Call for Participants

The Hague, The Netherlands

July 15-17, 2024.

We are delighted to announce the call for Archivists to join us at the Archivist Expert Training Workshop in the Hague, the Netherlands (July 15-17, 2024).

About the Project

Why is remembrance important? Why do we continue to discuss the legacies of the Nazi regime and their collaborators across Europe today? How can we equip young people to critically engage with the history of the Holocaust and combat misinformation about the Second World War and Historical Genocides?

In partnership with Terraforming, Intercultural Institute Timișoara, and the Arolsen Archives, EuroClio – European Association of History Educators is embarking on a new project, Facts Not Fiction – Young Historians Show How to Learn from the Past, which aims to empower history educators and institutions to train interested students and youth groups to develop their own local histories of Nazi persecution.

We believe that working with original archival sources is vital when it comes to transforming students’ understanding of the past. We feel that source material greatly enhances pupils’ ability to engage with the lived realities of historical figures, allowing them to tap into their lives and emotions in a way textbooks cannot. In addition to improving awareness and knowledge of this period of history, we also believe that this project will provide young people with essential analytical skills. Moreover, this opportunity for close source analysis is often not available at the secondary education level.

For this particular event, we are looking for archivists, historians, and other professionals who are interested in the Second World War and how it is taught in schools. Those interested in the history of totalitarianism, the Holocaust memorial, and mid-20th century histories of migration and persecution should apply. While the project is primarily focused on Nazi persecution, those with little/no background in education as well as those with experience in other related areas of history are also encouraged to submit an application. For example, those who have worked with sources relating to the persecution of the Roma and Sinti or queer and disabled communities by the Nazis/ authoritarian regimes. If your professional experience is with archives in a period/ location that is more distinct, but you still feel that it explores related themes, please elaborate on your application.

The training will take place in The Hague on July 16 and 17 2024, with July 15 as the day of arrival for international participants.

How can you apply to join us?

The application period will open from the start of May. Please send us a letter of motivation detailing your interest in the project, including an explanation of relevant archives and/ or source materials you have worked with. Please also attach a copy of your CV and send both to before 3 June.

Send a letter of motivation and your CV to before 3 June

We will be selecting archivists based on their expertise and interest in working with young people and digital platforms. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis, so we encourage you to apply early!

The Hague Archivist Training will:

  • Provide training workshops for archivists looking for support in working with young people and education.
  • Draw on the range of historical knowledge and expertise of the participants involved.
  • Discuss ways in which to make archives more accessible and engaging to those unfamiliar.
  • Bridge the gap between historical knowledge and media literacy to debunk and counter misinformation about Nazism, fascist regimes, and collaborators who participated in crimes against various victim groups.
  • Create a network of interested educators among participants.
  • Local aspects/microhistories – a way to present their local archive and material in a new way to a new audience.
  • Discuss learners’ ability to identify narratives and their interconnections, enabling them to translate these narratives into innovative formats.
  • Assist Archivists in translating historical narratives into innovative digital formats

What is covered?

We will cover all expenses related to your travel to/from The Hague, including accommodation and subsistence costs. The day of arrivals will be 15 July and the workshop will end on 17 July in the afternoon. Two nights of accommodation will be covered.