80 godina od deportacije Bačkih Jevreja

80 years since the deportation of the Jews of Bačka

On April 25 and 26, in cooperation with the Jewish community of Novi Sad, we commemorated 80 years of deportation of Novi Sad and Bačka Jews. Terraforming presented an exhibition on the Holocaust in Serbia and hosted a panel on contemporary antisemitism with guests from Europe.

Remembering Hilda Dajč 2024

The Remembering Hilda Dajč Award ceremony 2024 took place at the University Library "Svetozar Marković" in Belgrade on May 7, 2024. Eminent guests, IHRA delegates, the Jewish community, the diplomatic corps, students and teachers, and others attended the ceremony.
Adi Rabinowitz Bedein

Lectures by Adi Rabinowitz Bedein

Adi, from the international Network for Innovative Holocaust Education and an expert guide at Yad Vashem, will give lectures at the Memorial Center "Staro Sajmiste" in Belgrade on May 8 and at the Jewish Community Novi Sad premises on May 12.
Budapest Conference

Fragmented Memories: Holocaust Education in the 21st Century – Budapest April 18-19, 2024

The Holocaust Memorial Center in Budapest organized a two-day International Conference and Workshop for Museum Educators and Teachers, “Fragmented Memories: Holocaust Education in the 21st Century,” April 18-19, 2024.
Histolab 2024

HISTOLAB 2024 European Innovation Days in History Education

Terraforming took part in the HISTOLAB 2024 European Innovation Days in History Education at the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 3-5 April 2024
The Fortunoff Video Archive

Postdoctoral Fellowship for Yugoslavian Testimonies

Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University, has opened a Call for Applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024-2025) for Yugoslavian Testimonies in cooperation with Terraforming.
Svilara - 80 years since the deportationTerraforming

80 years since the deportation

On the 80th anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Bačka to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Terraforming is organizing a panel talk.

CARE: Combating Holocaust Denial and Distortion through Active Citizenship, Remembrance and Education

The project: CARE Combating Holocaust Denial and Distortion through Active Citizenship, Remembrance and Education (Mar 2024-Feb 2026) co-funded by the European Union through the CERV programme
Never Again is NowTerraforming

Never Again is Now

On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Terraforming, the Jewish Youth Club Belgrade, and the Jewish Cultural Center Oneg Shabbat are organizing the program "Nikad Više je Danas" (Never Again is Now).

We protect historical facts through active remembrance of the Roma Victims

On August 2, we commemorate the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Genocide of the Sinti and Roma when we remember the victims of persecution, terror, and genocide against the Roma people throughout Europe.