From the Novi Sad Raid to the Liberation of Auschwitz - how and why we remember?KCNS

From the Novi Sad Raid to the Liberation of Auschwitz

International event ”From the Novi Sad Raid to the Liberation of Auschwitz - how and why we remember?” is а contribution to commemoration of the Novi Sad Raid, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and 75 years since liberation of Auschwitz, and part of broader efforts to enhance the remembrance culture in Serbia.
Publication: International Library Platform for Education About the HolocaustPublication "International Library Platform for Education About the Holocaust", Copyright: Terraforming 2019

Publication: International Library Platform

Publication "International Library Platform for Education About the Holocaust", produced in the frames of our Yehuda Bauer Grant awarded project, focuses on engaging libraries in education about the Holocaust in a new environment of digital transformation of museums and the culture of remembrance.
Семинар Нови Сад

Seminar for archivists and librarians in Novi Sad

Seminar in Historical archive of Novi Sad was organized in cooperation with The International Tracing Service (ITS) in frames of a wider program for archivists and librarians from Serbia conducted by Terraforming network, as a following continuance of activities after professional training in Yad Vashem.

Seminar for Archivists and Librarians from Serbia at Yad Vashem

In cooperation between Yad Vashem International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem Libraries, Yad Vashem Archive, and Terraforming, a training for archivists and librarians from Serbia was organized in Yad Vashem between 4-11 December 2018.
Publication "Escalating into Holocaust"

Publication “Escalating into Holocaust”

Publication “Escalating into Holocaust” is a collection of selected works, papers, presentations and lectures by scholars and experts on topics related to Holocaust research, remembrance and education, presented during the conferences, seminars, workshops and other events organized during 2016 and 2017 in the frames of the project “Escalating into Holocaust”. Publication is available as PDF and as an online ISSUU publication. – new educational concept and teaching material

Supported by OSCE/ODIHR in the frames of the programme “Turning Words Into Action to Address Antisemitism”, Terraforming created educational material "Ester" based on graphic novels about young Jewish victims of the concentration camp at Sajmiste in Belgrade. The material is available in English and Serbian on the website