
Never Again is NowTerraforming

Never Again is Now

On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Terraforming, the Jewish Youth Club Belgrade, and the Jewish Cultural Center Oneg Shabbat are organizing the program "Nikad Više je Danas" (Never Again is Now).

We protect historical facts through active remembrance of the Roma Victims

On August 2, we commemorate the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Genocide of the Sinti and Roma when we remember the victims of persecution, terror, and genocide against the Roma people throughout Europe.
Roma commemoration in AuschwitzTerraforming

Education about the persecution and genocide against the Roma

IHRA Recommendations for teaching guidelines about the persecution and genocide of the Roma and Sinti during the Nazi era will help education about this complex history.
The seminar for teachers

Teaching about the Holocaust: “Learning from the past – acting for the future”

The seminar for teachers "Teaching about the Holocaust and human rights: Learning from the past - acting for the future" was held 22-26. august at the Sheraton Hotel in Novi Sad.
Roma commemoration

Practical implementation of the working definition of Antigypsyism

Introductory speech by Misko Stanisic at the international panel debate on practical implementation of the non-legally binding IHRA working definition of Antigypsyism / Anti-Roma Racism - lessons learned, best practices, steps forward.
Топовске шупеTerraforming

Roma victims of Topovske šupe must not be forgotten

By the end of the year the City of Belgrade will declare the Autokomanda area as public property, and the Memorial Center Topovske Šupe will be built there. The statement from the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Mr. Goran Vesić, published on 5th of May 2021 on the official website of the Belgrade City Authorities, has raised several doubts.

Dik I Na Bistar – Look and Don’t Forget

Dik I Na Bistar Look and Don't Forget - is an initiative with aim to mobilise young Roma and non-Roma to commemorate and learn more about the Roma Genocide during the WWII, through annual gathering of young Roma in Auschwitz around August 2nd - the Remembrance Day of the Roma Genocide.
Heilderberg Museum

New Alliance in Investigative Journalism

Time: 2015
Place: Serbia, Montenegro, Sweden
Supported by the Swedish Institute
Heilderberg Museum

Training-Course: Education on the Roma Holocaust, Resistance and Remembrance

25 participants from 17 countries gathered in Heppenheim Germany for the training-course on Education on the Roma Holocaust, Resistance and Remembrance. The event was organized by the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma, Tom Lantos Institute, ternYpe International Roma Youth Network, and other partners.

Portfolio Items

Never Again is NowTerraforming

Never Again is Now

On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Terraforming, the Jewish Youth Club Belgrade, and the Jewish Cultural Center Oneg Shabbat are organizing the program "Nikad Više je Danas" (Never Again is Now).

We protect historical facts through active remembrance of the Roma Victims

On August 2, we commemorate the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Genocide of the Sinti and Roma when we remember the victims of persecution, terror, and genocide against the Roma people throughout Europe.
Roma commemoration in AuschwitzTerraforming

Education about the persecution and genocide against the Roma

IHRA Recommendations for teaching guidelines about the persecution and genocide of the Roma and Sinti during the Nazi era will help education about this complex history.
The seminar for teachers

Teaching about the Holocaust: “Learning from the past – acting for the future”

The seminar for teachers "Teaching about the Holocaust and human rights: Learning from the past - acting for the future" was held 22-26. august at the Sheraton Hotel in Novi Sad.
Roma commemoration

Practical implementation of the working definition of Antigypsyism

Introductory speech by Misko Stanisic at the international panel debate on practical implementation of the non-legally binding IHRA working definition of Antigypsyism / Anti-Roma Racism - lessons learned, best practices, steps forward.
Топовске шупеTerraforming

Roma victims of Topovske šupe must not be forgotten

By the end of the year the City of Belgrade will declare the Autokomanda area as public property, and the Memorial Center Topovske Šupe will be built there. The statement from the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Mr. Goran Vesić, published on 5th of May 2021 on the official website of the Belgrade City Authorities, has raised several doubts.

Dik I Na Bistar – Look and Don’t Forget

Dik I Na Bistar Look and Don't Forget - is an initiative with aim to mobilise young Roma and non-Roma to commemorate and learn more about the Roma Genocide during the WWII, through annual gathering of young Roma in Auschwitz around August 2nd - the Remembrance Day of the Roma Genocide.
Heilderberg Museum

New Alliance in Investigative Journalism

Time: 2015
Place: Serbia, Montenegro, Sweden
Supported by the Swedish Institute
Heilderberg Museum

Training-Course: Education on the Roma Holocaust, Resistance and Remembrance

25 participants from 17 countries gathered in Heppenheim Germany for the training-course on Education on the Roma Holocaust, Resistance and Remembrance. The event was organized by the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma, Tom Lantos Institute, ternYpe International Roma Youth Network, and other partners.