Never Again is Now
On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Terraforming, the Jewish Youth Club Belgrade, and the Jewish Cultural Center Oneg Shabbat are organizing the program "Nikad Više je Danas" (Never Again is Now).

Symposium “Microhistories of the Holocaust and Archival Pedagogy”
У Архиву Војводине одржан је међународни стручни симпозијум "Микроисторије Холокауста и архивска педагогија" који заједнички организују Тераформинг и Архив Војводине.

Conference: Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character
An international conference "Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character" is taking place on 27th April 2021. It will explore the role of archivists in identifying and safeguarding the Holocaust record and local microhistories.

Conference “The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence”
In the Cultural Center of Novi Sad, on January 26th, an online international conference “The Voice of Woman in the Frozen Silence” was held. The Yad Vashem’s exhibition “Spots of Light -- To Be a Woman in The Holocaust” and Serbian adaptation of IHRA’S "Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust" were presented at the conference.

The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence
The event "The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence" will take place online at 2.00 pm on January 26. Some of the program highlights are: presentation of the exhibition "The Spots of Light - To be a Woman in the Holocaust", the Serbian adaptation of the IHRA's Recommendation for Teaching and Learning about Holocaust, and presentations about gender perspectives in memorialization of the Holocaust by international experts and diplomates.

TAS Lab Webinar 1 – Migration Past and Present: Comparative Experiences and Historical Lessons
TAS Lab Webinar 1 - Migrations Past and Present: Comparative Experiences and Historical Lessons will take place on June 9, 2020 online. Please register - the number of seats is limited. Speakers: Brankica Jankovic (Serbia), Susanne Heim (Germany), Patrick Gruczkun (Sweden).

We created a digital Kickoff event to launch our new project
With the Archives of Vojvodina we arranged a digital kickoff event to launch our new project The Holocaust, European Values and Local History with live stream on Facebook and a film consisting of more than 30 video contributions from all around the world. Read how we did it as as a result of and despite the Coronavirus outbreak.

From the Novi Sad Raid to the Liberation of Auschwitz
International event ”From the Novi Sad Raid to the Liberation of Auschwitz - how and why we remember?” is а contribution to commemoration of the Novi Sad Raid, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and 75 years since liberation of Auschwitz, and part of broader efforts to enhance the remembrance culture in Serbia.

Seminar for archivists and librarians in Novi Sad
Seminar in Historical archive of Novi Sad was organized in cooperation with The International Tracing Service (ITS) in frames of a wider program for archivists and librarians from Serbia conducted by Terraforming network, as a following continuance of activities after professional training in Yad Vashem.

Gender Perspectives in Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust
Presentation about gender perspectives in teaching and learning about the Holocaust at the ODIHR Forum on Intersectional Activism, June 2017 in Barcelona.

OSCE Chairmanship Conference on Tolerance and Diversity
The Civil Society Pre‑Conference and the OSCE Chairmanship Conference on Tolerance and Diversity were held on October 19-20 in Berlin. Terraforming took an active part at the Pre-Conference for Civil Society, particularly at the Working group on Education for Tolerance and Diversity.