Never Again is Now
On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Terraforming, the Jewish Youth Club Belgrade, and the Jewish Cultural Center Oneg Shabbat are organizing the program "Nikad Više je Danas" (Never Again is Now).
Webinar: “Authentic Sites, Holocaust Distortion, and Contemporary Antisemitism”
Dr. Efraim Zuroff is a keynote speaker at the webinar "Authentic Sites, Holocaust Distortion, and Contemporary Antisemitism" on 13. April 2022 via the zoom platform.
80 Years Later – The Future of Remembrance
To mark the 80th anniversary of the Novi Sad Raid, and to contribute to the commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, The Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, The Historical Archives of the City of Novi Sad, and Terraforming are organizing an event 25. and 26 January Experts from Greece, Hungary, Germany, Poland and the United States will speak as part of the program.
Podcast – Malmö forum 2021
A series of four podcasts in which we discuss various topics related to the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism, which is held in Sweden on October 13, with a number of outstanding guests.
Teaching about the Holocaust: “Learning from the past – acting for the future”
The seminar for teachers "Teaching about the Holocaust and human rights: Learning from the past - acting for the future" was held 22-26. august at the Sheraton Hotel in Novi Sad.
Antisemitism in Serbia – then and now
Antisemitism can be described as hatred, animosity, or bias against the Jews, just because and only because they are Jews. Antisemitism is a very old phenomenon that was manifested in various ways throughout the centuries. Its most horrible form was the Holocaust. Antisemitism still exists today, in almost all parts of the world, as well as in Serbia.
EHRI in search of micro-archives
From this year, the focus of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) will be creating opportunities for cooperation with micro-archives and integrating their collections into the research infrastructure.
TAS Migration Labs Workshop 5 – Synthesis – Young People as Active Creators of the Policies Related to Migrations
Тема радионице су активна улога младих у креирању мигрантских политика. Предлоге за промене у мигрантским политикама ће изнети: Симонида Вукадиновић, Ивана Мацак, Софија Савић и Александар Радин.
Conference „Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character“
On 27th of April 2021 Terraforming and Archives of Vojvodina held an international conference which focused on the role local archives play in identifying and safeguarding the Holocaust records.
TAS Lab 4 – Antithesis II – Fake news about migrants and migration issues
The workshop themes are fake news in medias about migrants and migration issues, s well as the challenges that journalists encounter when reporting about them. The speakers at the workshop are: Aleksandra Nikšić, Chiara Wieben and Milan Kuzmanović.
Conference “The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence”
In the Cultural Center of Novi Sad, on January 26th, an online international conference “The Voice of Woman in the Frozen Silence” was held. The Yad Vashem’s exhibition “Spots of Light -- To Be a Woman in The Holocaust” and Serbian adaptation of IHRA’S "Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust" were presented at the conference.