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Exhibition: Shoah – how was that humanly possible?

  • How was that humanly possible?

    Exhibition on the Holocaust

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An overview of the Holocaust in Europe

Exhibition “Shoah – How was it humanly possible?” in short presents the most important historical aspects of the European Holocaust , beginning with the life of Jews in pre-war Europe, and ending with the liberation of Nazi camps across the continent, and the brave and difficult return to life of those who survived.

The panels consist of explanatory texts, interwoven with the victims’ personal stories, quotes, and original photographs.

Among other things, the exhibition addresses the following topics:

  • The life of Jews between the two world wars
  • The coming to power of Nazism in Germany
  • Nazi anti-Semitic ideology
  • German Jews under the Nazis
  • Occupation of Europe
  • Geta
  • Deadly turning point - attack on the Soviet Union
  • "Final solution": deportation to death camps
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • The resistance of the Jews
  • The attitude of the majority population towards Jews
  • Righteous among the nations
  • Liberation
  • Back to life
Јакоб и Ирма Фибелман

The story of Jakob and Irma Fibelman was also presented within the exhibition.

The Holocaust is a unique genocide

Shoah. The Holocaust is a unique genocide, total and systematic, committed by Nazi Germany and its helpers with the goal of completely destroying the Jewish people. The main initiator of the Holocaust was the Nazi ideology of racist anti-Semitism. Between 1933. and 1941. Nazi Germany implemented measures to deprive Jews of their rights and confiscate their property, followed by the marking and grouping of the Jewish population. This policy gained widespread support in Germany and much of occupied Europe. After the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the Nazis, with the help of collaborators, began the systematic extermination of Jews. Until 1945. almost six million Jews will be killed.

(text taken from the first panel of the exhibition)

It produced an exhibition Traveling Department of the Yad Vashem Museum ,,
Design: Tarazi Studio
Serbian translation: Miško Stanišić
Exhibition distribution in Serbia: Terraforming

Woe to you

Yad Vashem was founded in 1953. as a world center for Holocaust documentation, research, education and commemoration. As a permanent memorial center of the Jewish people, Yad Vashem preserves the memory of the past and transmits its meaning to future generations.

My life started from the end.
I first met death,
and then – birth.

Halina Birenbaum, Holocaust survivor.

Pedagoški vodič

Pedagogical guide for teachers (in Serbian)

Along with the exhibition, a Pedagogical Guide for Teachers is also available. The guide describes how to work with students before, during, and after viewing the exhibition and what the teacher’s tasks are. Beside that, the guide contains work materials that can be printed, reproduced and distributed to students.

Inspect the exhibition

Before downloading, you can review all panels, and get acquainted with the content and layout. The documents are available on the Yad Vashem’s website. Use these links:

Šoa - Kako je to ljudski bilo moguće - pregled
Šoa - Kako je to ljudski bilo moguće - pregled
Изложба Шоа Јад Вашем

Terms of use

  1. No changes whatsoever, either content or design, may be made to the Files.
  2. The Exhibition must be produced and presented in its entirety.
  3. No more than one copy of the Files may be produced.
  4. Production of the Files shall be made exclusively according to the specific technical instructions
    appearing on the Ready2Print web site.
  5. Files are intended for the sole purpose of the production of the Exhibition. After production, all Files
    must be deleted immediately and without delay.
  6. Files may not be used for any other purpose, such as, posters, catalogues, brochures, distribution and
    educational materials, etc., without the prior written consent of Yad Vashem.
  7. Text or visual information may not be added and displayed alongside the Exhibition.
  8. All Exhibition Files must be printed in accordance with the original dimensions and displayed in the
    order and format shown on the website.
  9. Any other use whatsoever of any image/text and/or any part thereof contained in the Files shall not
    be permitted without the prior, express, written permission by Yad Vashem.
  10. No logo may be added to the Exhibition without the express written consent of Yad Vashem.

Let’s keep in touch

  • Let us know when you open the exhibition and tell us how long it will last.
  • Send us a few pictures from the opening, during the visit and workshops.
  • If you have any questions, comments or ideas to cooperate – be free to contact us.


Museum-quality exhibitions easily accessible for printing and exhibition

Ready2print is innovative concept developed by Yad Vashem Traveling Exhibition Department with aim to provide museum-quality exhibitions that can be easily dowloaded, printed and exhibited in appropriate public spaces such as schools, universities, libraries, archives, museums, churches and synagogues, and other public spaces.

Ready2print exhibition is packed as digital file containing high-resolution documents, instructions and terms of use.

Following this example and similar concepts developed in other institutions, Terraforming also develops i distributes its original materials. One of them is the exhibition ”Some words about the Holocaust in Serbia”.

ready2print Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem’s exhibition “How was it humanly possible? “