
Never Again is Now
On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Terraforming, the Jewish Youth Club Belgrade, and the Jewish Cultural Center Oneg Shabbat are organizing the program "Nikad Više je Danas" (Never Again is Now).

We protect historical facts through active remembrance of the Roma Victims
On August 2, we commemorate the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Genocide of the Sinti and Roma when we remember the victims of persecution, terror, and genocide against the Roma people throughout Europe.

Remembering Hilda Dajč Award 2023
The Remembering Hilda Dajč Award 2023 was presented on May 7, 2023, at a ceremony in the University Library "Svetozar Marković" in Belgrade. Terraforming is one of the founders of this independent civil society initiative that was established to support youth activism and counter Holocaust distortion, manipulation, and abuse of history for a populist and nationalist political agenda, to promote a meaningful and courageous culture of remembrance and activism that strengthens democratic values, human and civil rights, pluralism and critical thinking.

The second annual Remembering Hilda Dajč Award 2023
The Remembering Hilda Dajč Association established the award last year to mark 80 years since the last of about 6500 Jewish inmates of the Concentration camp at Staro sajmište in Belgrade were killed in the gas wan. Terraforming is one of the initiators of this independent civil society initiative is established amid and despite tendencies of distortion, manipulation, and abuse of history for populist and nationalist political agenda to promote meaningful and brave remembrance culture and activism that strengthens democratic values, human and civil rights, pluralism, and critical thinking.

International conference “Remember ReAct Revisited – Together for Impact”
The international conference "Remember ReAct Revisited – Together for Impact" was organized by Terraforming and the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade under the auspices of the Swedish chairpersonship of The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). High-ranking officials and experts from Serbia and Sweden discussed the issues of memorialization and education about the Holocaust and the genocide against the Roma, as well as dealing with contemporary antisemitism, antigypsyism, and the distortion and abuse of history.

Award to Terraforming for the best poster presentation at the conference of the Library Association of Serbia
At the Library Association of Serbia conference, the award for the best poster-presentation "Development of a library platform in the Republic of Serbia to contribute to the culture of remembrance of the victims of fascist terror in the Second World War" went to Terraforming!

“Remembering Hilda Dajč” award 2023
A public call for submission of candidate proposals for the 2023 "Remembering Hilda Dajč" award has been announced. . We invite you to suggest the award candidates! The award is given in two categories: the Award for outstanding contribution to the culture of remembrance, and the Youth Award

TAS Migration Labs Workshop 5 – Synthesis – Young People as Active Creators of the Policies Related to Migrations
Тема радионице су активна улога младих у креирању мигрантских политика. Предлоге за промене у мигрантским политикама ће изнети: Симонида Вукадиновић, Ивана Мацак, Софија Савић и Александар Радин.

Conference „Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character“
On 27th of April 2021 Terraforming and Archives of Vojvodina held an international conference which focused on the role local archives play in identifying and safeguarding the Holocaust records.

TAS Lab 4 – Antithesis II – Fake news about migrants and migration issues
The workshop themes are fake news in medias about migrants and migration issues, s well as the challenges that journalists encounter when reporting about them. The speakers at the workshop are: Aleksandra Nikšić, Chiara Wieben and Milan Kuzmanović.

TAS Lab Webinar 1 – Migration Past and Present: Comparative Experiences and Historical Lessons
TAS Lab Webinar 1 - Migrations Past and Present: Comparative Experiences and Historical Lessons will take place on June 9, 2020 online. Please register - the number of seats is limited. Speakers: Brankica Jankovic (Serbia), Susanne Heim (Germany), Patrick Gruczkun (Sweden).