Never Again is Now
On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Terraforming, the Jewish Youth Club Belgrade, and the Jewish Cultural Center Oneg Shabbat are organizing the program "Nikad Više je Danas" (Never Again is Now).

Lectures by Adi Rabinowitz Bedein
Adi, from the international Network for Innovative Holocaust Education and an expert guide at Yad Vashem, will give lectures at the Memorial Center "Staro Sajmiste" in Belgrade on May 8 and at the Jewish Community Novi Sad premises on May 12.

Seminar: “Towards a society without prejudice – the challenges of dealing with antisemitism in the past and now”
The professional seminar "Towards a society without prejudice - the challenges of dealing with antisemitism in the past and now" is intended for teachers and other actors in the fields of education and culture. This one-day professional development program will be held in Bačka Palanka on the 29th October.

Terraforming accredited courses
Terraforming offers three free accredited courses on antisemitism and Holocaust education.

Teacher Seminar: Teaching about the Holocaust and Human Rights 2022
The TOLI Institute from New York and Terraforming organizes an annual seminar on Holocaust education for teachers from the Republic of Serbia in Novi Sad, 22-26. August.

Teaching about the Holocaust: “Learning from the past – acting for the future”
The seminar for teachers "Teaching about the Holocaust and human rights: Learning from the past - acting for the future" was held 22-26. august at the Sheraton Hotel in Novi Sad.

Conference „Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character“
On 27th of April 2021 Terraforming and Archives of Vojvodina held an international conference which focused on the role local archives play in identifying and safeguarding the Holocaust records.

Conference: Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character
An international conference "Microhistories of the Holocaust and its European Character" is taking place on 27th April 2021. It will explore the role of archivists in identifying and safeguarding the Holocaust record and local microhistories.

Webinar “Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory“
Webinar “Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory“ was held on December 8. 2020.
Participants were from The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies (USA), Sered Holocaust Museum in Slovakia and the Archive of Vojvodina.

Webinar 3: Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory
“Testimonies in Education and Collective Memory” is the third webinar in the "Holocaust, European Values and Local History" series and program for archivists, librarians, museum curators, historians, researchers, educators, and others interested to learn more about the new role of archives in education about the Holocaust and in shaping of the culture of remembrance.

Webinar 2: Local Archive – an Interface for Collective Memory, Knowledge and Education
Second online workshop for archivists will be held on July 6, 2020 with lecturers: Dr Kori Street and Andrea Szőnyi from the USC Shoah Foundation, Lewis Levin, architect behind the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre, and Serbian historian Dr Olga Manojlovic Pintar