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TAS Labs

Over the course of 18 months, the project partners from Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Serbia will organize WorkLabs, debates and roundtables with aim to analyse historical experiences, narratives, misconceptions and stereotypes relating to migrants and refugees, xenophobic discourse, hate speech and anti-immigration propaganda. We will be looking into our own experiences of emigration to other countries, as well as our experiences, responsibilities and challenges as a transit or host countries in the past and current refugee and migrant crises.

Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – Migration Labs

We are proud to announce a new international project: TAS – Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – Migration Labs! Five project partners from four EU countries and one EU candidate country has launched the TAS – Migration Labs project in the framework of the Measure 2.3 “Civil Society Projects ” of Action 2 “Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation” of the European Union programme “Europe for Citizens”.

A total of 411 projects were submitted for the call of proposals for 2019 Measure 2.3: Civil Society Projects of the programme. Our project is nr. 10 among 29 that received funding.

Project goals, activities and impact

The project intend to bring an impact on the EU Agenda on migration and integration, targeting young beneficiaries, with a direct engagement of stakeholders and policy makers.

Through this project we aim to support EU citizenship principles, and to contribute to the civic and democratic participation at EU level, reaffirming values of solidarity, intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and combating stereotypes, against minorities in general, and in particular about migrations, migrants and refugees.

We will also be looking at the historical and current times of crises, our experiences when we were refugees and migrants, and when we were the host nations to other refugee groups.

The project activities are mostly directed at young adults, decision makers and other stakeholders from partner countries. The tasks envisage to raise awareness of EU policy-making processes, and to boost opportunities for social and intercultural participation and volunteering.

During the project, we will collaborate with our beneficiaries using an axis-based approach: thesis, antithesis and synthesis, and prepare a recommendation paper that will be presented to the EU decision makers during the final conference in Brussels at the end of the project.

Historical experiences of Serbia


Terraforming will particularly work with various aspects of historical experiences of Serbia, from 1930’s when the Jewish refugees were coming to Serbia from Germany and Central Europe fleeing from raising antisemitism and Nazism, over 1940’s when over 215.000 Serb refugees arrived to Serbia from the fascist Independent State of Croatia, to the 1990’s refugee crises during the civil war in Yugoslavia when over 600.000 refugees registered by the UNHCR arrived to Serbia, to the current migration crisis.

There are many Serbian citizens with personal experiences as refugees in Serbia or in other countries. Many of the young people in Serbia are second generation refugees.


Also, many Serbian citizens have experiences with immigration and integration in other European countries. Since 1960’s many citizens emigrated temporary or permanently, looking for work, or as professional athletes, or as experts, or for studies, or because they met someone and fell in love, and other reasons. They all have experiences of integration in the new societies, and know a lot about common obstacles, misconceptions and stereotypes on “both sides” of the process.


25 local workshops (5 in each partnering country).

25 videos created around the workshops.

3 international webinars.

Final conference in Brussels.

18 monthly newsletters.

Activities on social media and the project website.

Refugees and migrants in Serbia

Some of the experiecnes:
1927 – Russian immigrants in Serbia, refugees after the Bolshevik Revolution,
1940 – Mother and son, Jewish refugees from Central Europe in Šabac, Serbia,
1942 – Serbian boy, refugee from the fascists Independent State of Croatia,
1995 – Serbian refugees from Croatia entering Serbia after the operation “Storm”,
2018 – Sisters from Afghanistan in a Refugee Camp in Belgrade, Serbia

What is “thesis, antithesis, synthesis”?

The triad thesis, antithesis, synthesis as a progression of three ideas or propositions is a concept in philosophy and logic that evolved from the dialectical method, which is basically a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments. Hegel developed dialectic approach that comprises three stages of development: first, a “thesis” or statement of an idea, which gives rise to a second step, a reaction or “antithesis” that contradicts or negates the thesis, and third, the “synthesis”, a statement through which the differences between the two points are resolved.


Project partners


ACTA Center
– lead partner


Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti


Instituto Marques de Valle Flor



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With the support of the Europe for Cirtizens programme of the European Union

The EU program “Europe for Citizens” aims to bring Europe closer to its citizens by stimulating the debate on topical issues of the European Union at local, regional and international level. It is essential to create conditions that enable citizens to participate in the European Union policy-making processes, to strengthen solidarity among European citizens, and to ensure that civil society organizations, their members and any member of society are involved in the democratic life of the European Union.

Top Photo by Priscilla du Preez on Unsplash