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Teaching materials

Teaching material Ester.rs

Ester.rs – educational concept and a collection of graphic novels

Teaching material developed in a form of a collection of graphic novels about life in the pre-war Serbia and the young Holocaust victims of the concentration camp at Sajmište.

Manual: Graphic novel, literature and archival material in teaching about the Holocaust

Graphic novel, literature and archival materials in education

Manual for teachers on using “Ester” graphic novels, literature, and archival material in education about the Holocaust, available for download (PDF in Serbian).

Teaching Material to Address Antisemitism

Developed by Serbian experts, led by Terraforming, as a part of the OSCE/ODIHR and Anne Frank House project, this teaching material for use in Serbia is available in English, too.

Tajsa.eu – The Genocide of the Roma and the Roma Identity

Tajsa is a web-based collection of video/audio podcasts and educational resources about the causes and the consequences of the Genocide of the Roma in WWII, the Roma identity building, and the self-empowerment of the Roma communities around Europe.

IHRA Recommendations

IHRA Recommendations on Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust

Terraforming initiated and produced the Serbian translation of the IHRA’s Recommendations, in cooperation with the IHRA delegation of the Republic of Serbia .

IHRA Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Genocide of the Roma

The most significant international document on education about the genocide of the Roma was created as a result of four years of work by IHRA experts, Roma organizations, delegates from 35 member countries of the IHRA, and representatives of the United Nations, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, OSCE/ODIHR, FRA, and others.

Seminars and training programs

Towards a society without prejudice – the challenges of dealing with antisemitism then and now

accredited professional training program (ZUOV catalog number: 281) 1 day, 8 points;

The seminar on antisemitism in the past and contemporary society is primarily intended for teachers, but also for other professionals who work in the fields of memory culture and education (archivists, librarians, museum workers, journalists and others). After attending the seminar, participants will be able to identify antisemitism in the phenomena of the modern world. They will be able to single out different forms of hate speech in historical and contemporary sources and state their negative social consequences, and using appropriate teaching methods, deconstruct stereotypes based on antisemitism.

Learning about the Holocaust as recommended by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

accredited professional training program (ZUOV catalog number: 281) 1 day, 8 points;

The seminar on education about the Holocaust is primarily intended for teachers, but also for other professionals who work in the fields of memory culture and education (archivists, librarians, museum workers, journalists, and others). After attending the seminar, participants will be able to define the term Holocaust in accordance with the recommendations of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, understand its causes and consequences, recognize different forms of discrimination and threats to human rights in the phenomena of the modern world, identify historical sources and contemporary documents that will be able to use in the context of learning about the Holocaust.

Learning about antisemitism and the Holocaust as recommended by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

accredited professional training program (ZUOV catalog number: 293) 4 weeks, online, 32 points;

Participants will be able to define the terms Holocaust and antisemitism in accordance with the recommendations of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance; explain the causes and consequences of the appearance of antisemitism throughout history; classify the various causes and consequences of the Holocaust; use teaching materials about the Holocaust and antisemitism to achieve outcomes and develop students’ competencies, highlight different forms of hate speech and antisemitism in historical and contemporary sources and state its negative social consequences, and using appropriate teaching methods, deconstruct stereotypes based on antisemitism, identify and promote historical materials and contemporary documents relevant to the understanding of these phenomena.

Seminar for teachers: Teaching about the Holocaust and Human Rights

4 days (accommodation provided);

In cooperation with the TOLI Institute Teraforming organizes an annual seminar on education about the Holocaust and human rights for teachers from the Republic of Serbia under the title “Learning from the Past – Acting for the Future”. The lecturers are eminent experts from Serbia, as well as international experts (so far they have been guest lecturers from Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Romania and Italy). The seminar lasts four days and is organized at the end of August every year in a different city. Accommodation for participants is provided.


Holocaust in Novi Sad

„Holocaust in Novi Sad” presents the sistematic murder of Jews in Bačka through the story of the Novi Sad Jewish family Rip.

Publisher: Terraforming, With the support of Claims Conference. (With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future and by the German Federal Ministry of Finance)

Neke reči o Holokaustu u Srbiji

Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia (2024)

„Some Words about the Holocaust in Serbia” is a publication that introduces the specific aspects of the Holocaust in Serbia, a crime committed by German Nazis and their local collaborators, as well as other occupying powers: Hungary, Bulgaria, and Independent State of Croatia.

Publisher: Terraforming, With the support of Claims Conference. (With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future and by the German Federal Ministry of Finance)

Graphic novels about the Holocaust (2022)

This publication is part of the exhibition “Ester – Graphic novels in Holocaust education” organized alongside Terraforming’s program “From the Novi Sad Raid to Auschwitz – Novi Sad the Capital of the Remembrance Culture” realized as part of the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture 2022.

Publisher: Terraforming. The publication is partly related to the projects: The Holocaust, European Values and Local History, and HANNAH – Challenging and Debunking Antisemitic Myths.

In Search of Europe (2022)

“In Search of Europe” is a story about the creation of post-war Europe and Europe that we have yet to create. The project consisting of an exhibition displayed at public spaces in Novi Sad and public debates with international guests was realized in the frames of the official program Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022. (Published by Terraforming)

The Holocaust, European Values and Local History (2022)

A collection of ideas and tools for an innovative approach in archival pedagogy, particularly in smaller local archives, with an objective to empower and train the archivists to create their own educational outreach programs about the Holocaust based on their own archival materials and local history, and to incorporate archival pedagogy in their long-term approach and activities, presenting in the same time local micro-histories to global audiences. (Published by Terraforming and the Archives of Vojvodina)

International Library Platform for Holocaust Education (2019)

Produced in the frames of Terraforming’s Yehuda Bauer Grant-awarded project, it focuses on the unexplored and unutilized potential for engaging libraries in teaching and learning about the Holocaust in a new environment of digital transformation of museums and the culture of remembrance. (Published by Terraforming)

Escalating into Holocaust (2017)

A collection of selected works and presentations by international scholars and experts produced in the frames of the project “Escalating into Holocaust” with the history and state of memorialization of the concentration camp at Staro sajmište in Belgrade in focus and reflection on other historical sites and processes around Europe. (Published by the Historical Archive of Belgrade with Terraforming and other partners)